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Kami Menyediakan Kebutuhan Bondek Anda

Pabrik Bondek Surabaya 081 553 999 767 mengkhususkan diri dalam menyediakan material bondek untuk proyek konstruksi besar maupun perbaikan rumah dan proyek renovasi.

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Melayani Pelanggan dengan Sepenuh Hati

Pabrik Bondek Surabaya 081 553 999 767 telah memasok pelanggan di seluruh Jawa dan Indonesia Timur dengan produk Pagar BRC, Pagar Wiremesh, Dak Metal Bondek, Kawat duri, Kawat Silet, Aluminium Composite Panel, dan dukungan umum untuk proyek di Bandara dan Pelabuhan di seluruh Indonesia sejak tahun 2012.

Kami bangga melayani pelanggan partai kecil, seperti pemilik rumah pribadi, dan pelanggan profesional dengan partai besar, seperti perusahaan konsultan pembangunan, kontraktor, dan BUMN.

Tim profesional kami yang berpengalaman berkomitmen untuk memberikan dukungan bahan material yang dibutuhkan langsung.


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Graha Asri Sukodono E2, Pekarungan, Sukodono, Kabupaten Sidoarjo, Jawa Timur 61258, Indonesia

081 553 999 767

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Advice and Tips for Our Clients

The Latest in Home Improvement


Top 10 Home Improvement Trends

January 20, 2020

Fasteners are a vital component to ensure the safe installation of decks. The correct fixing as specified by the fastener manufacturer, to suit the application of fixing to cold rolled thin gauge purlins, hot rolled steel sections or timber supports.

Self drilling/self tapping screws (commonly known as drill screws), must be a minimum 5.5mm diameter, available in carbon steel or austenitic stainless steel, and must resist all pullout, pullover and shear forces.

For compliance with non fragility requirements, fasteners should be positioned 50mm minimum in from the deck sheet end.


  • Shot fired pins may be installed into hot rolled steel sections, subject to minimum flange requirements, as specified by fastener manufacturer.

  • Side lap stitching screws may be replaced with rivets, as specified by fastener manufacturer.

Decks are fixed to the support structure from above the deck. The table below indicates generic recommendations, which must be checked against specific project requirementsm especially for high wind suction loads, which may require more than one screw per trough, and reduced side lap centres when the deck acts in floordeck.


5 Renovation Mistakes to Watch Out For

January 20, 2020

This is your resources section. It’s a great place to update your visitors about industry news, relevant tips or publish relevant announcements. Informational articles can be a great way to position yourself as an authority in your field, and keep your visitors engaged.


How to Take Accurate Measurements

January 20, 2020

This is your resources section. It’s a great place to update your visitors about industry news, relevant tips or publish relevant announcements. Informational articles can be a great way to position yourself as an authority in your field, and keep your visitors engaged.

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